Posted by Unknown on 11:42 AM with No comments

Everyone will always get in touch with things related to economic. For those who have their own business will always be concerned with management and marketing. Why do we always get in touch with economic in life? Even though we are not an economic student or never interested with economic issues or things like that.
Well, we need foods, clothes, houses, and many things. All activities to get all of them can be qualified as economic activities. Okay, to make it simple I say that we all need money to get those things I have mentioned. Money we have will be used for transactions to get your foods, clothes, houses, or any other things. Those transactions are economic things.
How about people who get their stuff by exchange it with other stuff? Hmm.. I guess it is barter, right? It is also economic activity. As long as you lost your belongings to get new or expecting things it can be called economic activities.
Well, don’t be confused. You may read some posts in this blog to know better about economic, management, marketing, or things like that. Most of posts may be referred to companies or people who have business but for you who don’t, it still worth it to read. It can open your mind about economic, management, marketing, and strategies or it might be inspired you to start your own business. Those two expecting effects are good to come and implemented together. I really hope I can share a lot of useful information and also news for you.

Alright, get your comfort position, open your mind, start reading and enjoy this blog!